Listening to
fictional ghost stories is one thing, but knowing that certain paranormal
events were true, can surely give you the creeps. So all you faint-hearted
readers, steer clear; for this is a list of 6 Scary and True Supernatural
Events, without any holistic explanation till date!
The Aleya
Ghost Lights
The swamps of
Sunderbans in Bengal attract a number of scientists, historians and tourists
every year. Apart from being a biodiversity hotspot, a great place for
adventure-tourism and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the biggest tidal mangroves
of the world are situated here. If you happen to visit, the locals will
definitely warn you about the Aleya Ghost Lights. These mysterious lights
appear above the swamps at night, and tend to lure observers into dangerous
spots, where they eventually meet their death.
Faces on the
real-life paranormal event can be traced all the way back to 1971, in the
Belmez Village of Spain. It was just a normal day for the Pereira household on
the 23rd of August, till Maria Gomez observed a human face pattern forming on
the concrete floor of her kitchen. Shocked beyond words, she screamed for her
husband Juan and son Miguel. Together they used a pickaxe to destroy the image
and lay new concrete. But over the course of the next 30 years, faces of
different shapes, sizes and expressions kept recurring on the floor, drawing in
flocks of curious observers. Despite floor samples being sent for scientific
examination, no plausible explanation could be found. It was later discovered,
that the house had been built over a graveyard.
The Haunted
Almost every
teen-horror flick, or violent slasher-movie has started off in a creepy dorm,
deeming the concept as jaded as ever. But it turns out, such bone-chilling
instances have actually occurred in real life! The most well-known example is
that of Room 428 of the Wilson Hall Dormitory at the Ohio University. For those
who are unaware, this is probably the only university room in the world that
has been officially termed as ‘haunted’ and locked up forever. Whoever has
entered Room 428 till date has seen objects flying around, along with weird
noise, the sound of footsteps and shadows appearing every now and then. But the
most eerie occurrence has been that of a demon-like face on the door that
appears and disappears mysteriously. It is believed that the room is inhabited
by the spirit of a man who died a violent death in the 1970s.
Testimony from
beyond the Grave
This is
amongst the ultra-rare instances in history, when the testimony of a ghost
indirectly led to the conviction of her murderer. Way back in 1897, Zona and
Erasmus were a married couple who stayed in West Virginia. One evening, Erasmus
called a doctor home saying Zona had suffered from a cardiac arrest. Upon
arrival, the doctor declared Zona dead. It would have been an open-and-shut
case, but for the fact that Zona’s mother Mary Jane, encountered a visit from
Zona’s ghost who told her that Erasmus was an abusive husband, and he had
strangled her to death. Upon her petition, Zona’s body was autopsied and it was
indeed found that her wind pipe was broken. Despite the ambiguity of the
evidence from ‘beyond the grave’, the mother’s testimony was legally used to
re-open the case and sentence Erasmus to Life Imprisonment.
The Savior
Not all
ghosts are evil; some of them can be extremely benevolent. As is the case with
the mysterious ‘Grey Man’ who warns locals before an approaching hurricane, in
the coastal town of Pawley’s Island. It is said that whoever this kind, shadowy
figure has warned to leave the area before an impending storm, have always
retuned back to find their houses surprisingly ‘undamaged’ despite rampant
destruction in the surroundings!
The Cursed
The village
of Kuldhara in the Jaiselmer, India is believed to have been cursed to
abandonment. Occupied by the wealthy ‘Paliwal’ Priestly Community for years,
the village was suddenly deserted overnight. But the big mystery is that the
inhabitants didn’t relocate elsewhere; one fine morning (about 500 years ago),
they just disappeared, and were never heard of again! Residents of neighboring
villages have cited probable reasons such as oppression by a tyrant ruler or a
tale of forbidden love. Either way, it’s believed that the residents cursed the
village before leaving, to ensure that it remained unoccupied forever. True to
their word, Kuldhara remains unoccupied till date, and paranormal investigators
have cited a ghostly presence.
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